
ConnectedCity villages are part of a new green town or new green quarter. They are always grouped around a pedshed centre with a station, which must be open before the new dwellings are occupied, so that residents have services and inter-town transport from the outset and don’t depend on cars. This is a universal stipulation.

Vision from 2050

They vary in a variety of respects:

They are 300 metres to 1 kilometer from the pedshed core, and each approximately 20-25 hectares. Their densities vary from approximately 50-80 dwellings per hectare or 150-200 persons per hectare and they have a population of between 5,000-7,000. All houses have private gardens, but they can take many different forms. All villages are ‘Home Zones’ with cars admitted for parking but no through vehicle routes. Pedestrians have priority and weather protected walkways.