High Density Mixed Use
The mixed use area is the band 150m to 300m from the rail station.
Thus walking time to public transport is 2 to 4 minutes. The area is approximately 20 to 25 hectares, of which about 6 ha is green space.
At ground level are commercial activites such as
Public houses
Health and fitness facilities
The design of the buildings ensures a high level of footfall and natural public realm surveillance, with frequent doorways on to, and windows overlooking, the public zone, while maintaining defensible space to buffer residents and workers from its direct impact.
Intermediate levels contain offices and some high-tech light industrial uses such as rapid prototyping.
On the upper levels there is housing to a density of 80dph to 120dph, providing living accommodation in apartments for persons without children. Most flats have generous external balconies with private roof gardens.
The area of housing within them is typically about 15-20 hectares, with a density of approximately 80-120 dwellings per hectare or 250-350 persons per hectare and a population of around 5,000-7,000.
Cars are not permitted, but provision is made for residents’ car clubs
On the outer edge of the mixed use zone residential facilities often occupy the ground floors, but closer to the centre are retail and other uses. Upper floors are various combinations of residential and commercial, depending upon circumstances.
The mixed use zone occupies the central third of the pedshed. There are no fixed rules for its shape or layout