
Take ye counsel together in all matters, inasmuch as consultation is the lamp of guidance which leadeth the way, and is the bestower of understanding. Baha'u'llah

  • Preliminary Consultation Documents (PCDs) about the proposed ConnectedCity (in all media including video, etc and brief enough for an intelligent person to assimilate and comment on it in one or two days) are issued to the known pressure groups and statutory consultees. They are based on the the analysis, and outline the background, problems, opportunities, benefits and drawbacks, and show the growth options, probable extent of the proposed ConnectedCity and its possible pedsheds.

  • A conference of the stakeholders is held to discuss the issues.

  • General Consultation Documents (GCDs) showing the pedshed options and incorporating the stakeholder feedback are issued widely, so that those who agree with the stakeholders can say so, and those who disagree can say why.

  • Public response to the GCD is analysed.

  • A ConnectedCity Plan showing the proposed ConnectedCity extent and pedshed locations with preliminary boundaries is voted upon by local representatives or a referendum.

  • If the proposal is defeated it is either abandoned or revised proposals are consulted upon.

  • If agreed it is examined in public before an inspector. The plan at this stage has pedshed locations and transport, sustianablity and other citywide issues (education, health, retail etc), but not details within pedsheds.

  • After approval of the whole ConnectedCity plan, detailed 'Pedshed Plans' are prepared by the town/parish councils showing the proposed layouts and boundaries.

  • Town PCDs are issued to the all local stakeholders.

  • A local conference of the stakeholders is held to discuss the layout and boundaries.

  • Local GCDs showing the preferred layouts and incorporating the stakeholder feedback is issued to all in the town or parish, so that those who agree with the stakeholders can say so, and those who disagree can say why.

  • Public response to the GCDs is analysed.

  • A Pedshed Plan showing proposed layout and village and core locations, but not detailed buildings, is voted upon by local representatives or a referendum.