Cars and Vans 

ConnectedCities are not averse to private cars and vans, but function in such a way that most journey are easier by a combinatioin of walking, bicycling and public transport, so that demaind for cars is low. Cars are mainly used to access places not on the rail system, and in such places growth is not encouraged.

Vision from 2050

Most ConnectedCities have no more traffic than before the city was formed and despite their population growth many have less congestion because of the shift to rail which has occurred.

Driving around the ConnectedCity is easy, but the tough speed limits and numerous traffic lights (even though they change frequently) make it rather slow. There are shared streets to negotiate. However, after parking, a protected walkway leads to one’s destination.

In addition to charges for parking there are congestion charges that discourage driving at busy times, so most people travel to work or school by public transport, by bike or on foot and use their car only for shopping and leisure.

The main beneficiaries of congestion charges are people who need their car or van for work. Before congestion charging, they were constantly delayed by the large amount of traffic on the roads, and were unable to do their jobs properly. Now they can drive around without difficulty.

Self-driving taxis are commonplace, and widely used by people with large or heavy items to move.