

Ickelford is a small village without a station just to the north of Hitchin. The railway runs close to its northern edge.

The existing village and outlying farm house would be protected. A new station would be built at the point where the existing road to Arlesey passes beneath the tracks. A pedestrianised town centre woiuld be located at this point with a surrounding area of high density mixed use. Together they would accommodate between 7,000 and 11,000 inhabitants.

Beyond, four new villages would provide homes for between 16,000 and 23,000 people living in family houses, and 3,000 to 4,000 in flats at village centres.

Employment areas either side of the railway and green areas extending into the centre of the town would provide a buffer to the raill traffic. Road vehicles would pass through a central ring road, diverting traffic from the existing village.